Monday, August 23, 2010

Trying hard to keep up with the blog, but I am tired. I find it has been easier to write in the morning when everyone is still asleep. Well actually it's only Rachel who is still asleep, Rick is at work and Macy is up with me watching morning cartoons.

Yesterday, at church, I think my Relief Society lesson went well. I'm never real sure how my teaching is received, people are very polite but sometimes I think that is all. Rachel stayed through all three hours, but I think maybe she was just being polite. I know the heat is hard on her(I have mentioned that the church is not air conditioned didn't I). Anyway...for me, church was good, I really needed the spiritual battrey recharge.

Rick and I have been out of our routine and we tired and crabby. I love having Rachel and Macy here, so I need to find a way to cope better. At least now that Don has gone home, Rachel is moving a little slower too. I'm hoping she can go home well rested and not exhausted.

The Mission President is coming over on Thursday to set Rick apart in his calling and then he is holding a training for the Branch Leadership. I'm torn between wanting to be there and feeling a need to be there, but not wanting to abandon Rachel and Macy on their second to last night here. I'll have to keep praying about it and see where the Spirit leads.

Posting a few more pictures of the kids visit here.

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