Monday, March 21, 2011

For our Family Home Evening Rick and I went out, we went to the movies to see Rango. Interesting flik, not necessarily your average kiddie cartoon. We both throughly enjoyed it and the evening out.

Today my baby celebrated her 30th birthday, just exactly how did that happen. I can clearly remember the day she was born. I can clearly remember exactly how thrilled I felt when she was first placed in my arms, and what a joy it was to finally meet her. I can remember so much about those first few days with her, it seems like it was just yesterday and now she is the mother of her own two daughters, one who is almost 5 years old and one who is very new to this world. I am so grateful to see her be a good mother to her daughters and to know that she enjoys her life. From before she was born her father and I only wanted the very best for her and most of all it was our desire that she should find joy in this life.

Thirty years just went rushing by and although I can vividly recall so much, it seems like it went way too fast. Some days I wish that time would slow down, just a little, but that is not to be. I guess it's best not to blink but keep a weather eye on the horizon and your heart open to all possibilities.

For today I want to publish my favorite picture from Fort Christian. It is the corridor on the outdoor veranda to the commanders quarters. It was just a unique shot of doors wide open and that's the way I like to view life. I hope that my daughter will always view life that way, as well.

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