Saturday, April 23, 2011

I am definitely having one of those; "what did I do so right and it doesn't get much better than this" days. Today came pretty close to being a perfect day. Rick and I were both able to relax, get a few things done that we each needed to on the computer (with no fights over keyboard time). I worked out in the pool, we had a nice lunch and went to the beach.

My favorite beach is Cane Bay and my favorite time to be there is late afternoon. There's a band playing at one of the local bars on the beach and the sunsets are spectacular. It's never crowded and their is always surf. We drove home at dusk(it was dark by the time we actually got home) and even that was beautiful. We got to see the cruise ship leaving Fredricksted and coming around the point of the island (an awesome site).

We all have days when we think "why me", unfortunately most of those why me days are because something unpleasant has happened. Today was one of those "why me" days, when I wonder just exactly what did I do "so right" so as to have such a peaceful and wonderful day.

Of course, it has not been lost on me that this is Easter Weekend. I find it refreshing that here in the in islands (on my island, at least) no one is ashamed of their religion and, religious holidays are celebrated full tilt. Even the US Post Office was closed for Good Friday. Imagine what the atheists in the states would do with that information.

I used to feel real mournful on Good Friday, thinking how could people do what they did to Jesus Christ to any human being, but recently I have been reminded that we don't get Easter and the wonderful news of that day without the sadness of Good Friday. In order to know the good..........

May each of you who read this, be as fortunate as I, and have numerous "why me" days and I mean why me in the sense that I have felt today.

Happy Easter, for it is one of the happiest days of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter to you and Rick....and I also feel "why me"...why am I soooo lucky to live in this beautiful part of the world and be so happy...we took a ride over to Jackson and enjoyed the Tetons...always a wonder for me to stare at!!!! It makes my heart happy that you are you guys!!!
