Since the storm we have been having trouble with our fridge. It is not cooling. We spoke to the Property Manager but there were so many problems with the current we thought that might be it. We didn't want them to have to pay a service man for a repair call to come out and say the fridge was fine it was the current. So we waited. Yesterday I noticed that the things in the freezer (which we had lumped very closely together) were starting to thaw in earnest. I called the Property Manager and said "we gotta do something now".
You just gonna love the solution. She gives me the key to a unit in C building (I live in A) and says that I can put my food down there and she will call the serviceman. As of today she hasn't gotten a hold of the serviceman. Are you kidding me? I have a great new diet plan. It's called I live in A building and all of my food is in C building.
We had spaghetti last night and there was a lunchtime serving left over, but at lunch I was busy working and couldn't or wouldn't take the time to walk down to C building to get my lunch. I ate a piece of bread instead. In the morning I got the frozen fruit for a smoothie and forgot the almond milk to add to it, I used water instead. Ah, think of the calories I'm saving,not to mention the exercise.
Just another "Just Shoot Me Moment",herein the Caribbean. Today is one of those days when Thinking is definitely options.
Ya know, I was thinking about your fridge today, and I have always thought that it sucked, as in sucked at keeping things cold...what do you wanna bet, you are going to get a new fridge, or a repaired fridge and milk and yogart will have whole new meaning in the Carib!! Just an upside, besides, any diet is a good diet, right!