Friday, October 15, 2010

What a difference a day can make. Feel much better today, still planning on taking the day off tomorrow and going to the beach, but a few explanations and a better understanding of several things and maybe everything isn't soooo "over the top".

Things have taken a real different turn on Rick's job requiring him to be on the site a lot more. On Thursday between overseeing things at the site, picking his boss up at the seaplane dock and a conference call meeting, he was gone "at work" for 8.5 hours. Only a normal day for anyone else, but not what he has been used to. There will probably be a lot more of those before this project is finished. Really can't complain, the money is still good, it's just an adjustment for us. After having some things explained and others set in order, there should be a whole lot less stress. Now the only stress we have "work wise" is, finding the next job.

Feeling like we can also settle into our church callings a little bit better. We had the Missionary Zone Leaders here for three days. They came over to teach the Senior Couple the things they should be doing in the Branch. Because the apartment that the Senior Couple live in isn't a good set up for having house guests, they stayed with us. It was kind of nice to have the Spirit that they bring in our home, but it's also nice to have the place back to ourselves.

We're trying hard to settle into some sort of routine, something that seems like "normal life" and it just doesn't seem to be happening. Maybe that's because we are still in awe of living on an island in the Caribbean, maybe we're just not good at being routine people, I'm not sure what it is. Maybe I just shouldn't stress over it so much!

Keeping Rachel and her new baby Mavis, in our prayers. They only have about 6 weeks to go and we're praying that everything can go smoothly for them. Maybe I'm being dramatic and maybe it has to do with the fact that I feel "so far away" but, it seems that this pregnancy has been filled with complications. Maybe that will mean that labor and delivery will go smoothly.

Patience, prayers and trust in the Lord, that seems to be what it takes.

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