Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A cloudy rainy day today, it's actually kind of nice for a change. We may have found a car, we're going to go and see it tomorrow. It's kind of a strange situation and I won't go into it unless it works out but it may be the answer to our prayers. Unfortunately, it is my favorite kind of car, Dodge Durango (note the sarcasm). But for now a car is car and we really have to turn the rental back.

No job yet, but Rick has made a few more contacts and the Landmark Society called to say that they were reviewing the applications and would be calling for interviews next week. Since that's the most interesting job out there it was real good news. One day and one thing at a time, if we can get a car that will be a big obstacle to overcome. He did have an interesting conversation with a realtor who offered to help him open his own business, aarrgg... I was hoping we were through with that. If it's what we are supposed to do, I guess we'll have to buck up and do the job. We'll see.

Oh,oh lightening, since I'm out on the deck, it's time to shut this down and go inside!

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